Here are two pictures of some of the Christmas gifts I made. I've seen this type of thing at craft shows and thought they were
sooooo cool, but I never liked the price. I decided I could do it myself! One gloomy Sunday afternoon (cloudy days are great for photos!) in December, I dragged my friend Angie around
Hesston with me so she could help me "see" alphabet letters.

"GRACE" was for my daughter's
birthmother and
birthfather. Her middle name is Grace.

"FAMILY" was for my other daughter's
birthfamily, and I included a framed photo of all of us together at a picnic in September.
I also made "FAMILY" for my mom. Funny thing, though...I had envisioned it on the wall with the family portrait and the frames with all the grandkids' school pictures. When I got to Mom's house for Christmas, though, she had taken them all down!!! She said she had to when her carpet was put in, and she wasn't sure if she'd hang them all back up or not. Oh no! After she opened this, though, she said she'd put them back up. Whew! :-)
I did "LOVE" in sepia tones for my mother-in-law. Forgot to snap a pic. Maybe I'll post that soon.